Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I thought this was interesting. So I posted it. My editorial comments on stuff posted on this blog are going to be very limited. yay.
clipped from
Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world
of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of
the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their
society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality
essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an
incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or
reflection. The fact of the matter is that the 'real world' is to a large extent
unconsciously built upon the language habits of the group. No two
languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the
same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct
worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached... We see
and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the
language habits of our community predispose certain choices of
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Grown ups?

This is the best comic I have seen in a long time. Props to my bro for passing it on.

I am just trying out the blog function of clipmarks. So if all goes well you will see many more posts in the future. yay.
clipped from
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Monday, December 18, 2006

Why I suck at blogging

I have tried blogging on several occasions. is my latest attempt, and well, as you can see it is once agian a flop. Below are a few reasons why I suck at blogging -

1) I am very task oriented - the blogs that I have set up are just a bit random. They serve no real purpose other than to give me a space to write. But I just get lost in it. I don't want to whinge about my day, cause generally I have nothing to whinge about... I want my blogs to do something. But I haven't yet come up with anything. Until I do I will suck at blogging. I need a purpose, a task for my blogs to keep me coming back.

2) I am sick of the internet - the internet is boring... at least at the moment. I haven't found anything new and cool for a while. Sure there are some classic videos on youtube, forums that interest me on a number of sites. But generally I am sick of them. I need someone to change the way we use the internet. Browsing is cool.. but it is old. Maybe Nintendo should so something with the internet, just as they have changed the console gaming world with the wii. Maybe then I would find the internet exciting.

Okay, so that is only two. But I am sure there are more. It really proves that I do suck at blogging... If you are reading this I apologise.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

wittman is this?

After watching a Woody Whittman clip earlier this afternoon I was reminded of the genius that some people have for being completely retarded. Be careful how you interpret what I just said...

People like Woody amaze me. "But he's just like every 14 year old punk that lives down the street from me," you say. And I would say, "yes yes he is."

I might be delusional but I would like to think that even the worst people in this world have a glimmer of good. So, the punk kid down the road might be a brat, he might curse at you as you drive by. But have you heard the music he writes, or read his blog? Have you listened to the ways he cares about the disadvantaged of the world?

Woody Whittman reminded me of the innocence I have lost, of the unidoletorous ignorance I once had. But his isn't real, it is a fabricated stupidity in order to shock/confuse/enrage his targets and get a laugh from his viewers. But, the stupid questions he asks show a depth of thought most other red carpet reporters could only muster when covering the unveiling of a new brand of toilet paper.

Woody Whittman, you reminded me of the hope I see in the peope around me. You reminded me to laugh and to make others laugh. You show the world how to hold on to the traits that make us who we are.

So what if he is making money from what he does. You try and tell me that just because he is raising some revenue from pranks and jokes that it makes his efforts unauthentic and I will prove you wrong.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

and it shall be misc.

i have decided what I will do with this blog. absolutely nothing. it will be full of miscellanious stuff that means nothing to most people, a little bit more than nothing to some people and something to maybe one or two.

don't come here if you are looking for whingy leftist views or conservative right wing ravings. if you want an artists musing you're not in the right place. if you want the intellectual insights of a well educated philanthropist i would suggest you look else where.

but if you want to witness what a real man thinks, does and believes stick around.just dont be google.

give in... my head hurts

when you have a searing headache, smelly farts and a mother watching All Saints there is nothing better than giving into the latest craze. I have posted two videos on youtube. damn you google. may copyright infringment give you much pleasure.

The Hub

Breakfast Trek

Monday, October 30, 2006

this post marks the begining of something special. what that is, is yet to be decided.